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We Are

Our Mission

To provide trusted, tailored investment solutions for high-net worth individuals and institutions


Our Values

Client Focus, Integrity, Teamwork, Excellence

Views From

The Summit

A series of informative interviews.


Independently Owned,
Independent Thinking


Founded to manage the wealth of a high net worth family, Summit's core focus is on delivering valued, independent and trusted investment advice.

​Our team of investment professionals advise on:


Investment policy

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Asset allocation


Portfolio construction

Risk analysis


Manager selection

We are long term investors that focus on capital protection and income generation.  In partnership with you, we work hard to understand your needs and then collaboratively develop tailored solutions.   


For many individuals and families we serve as their fully resourced investment office, responsible for managing the portfolio within the agreed upon investment policy.  This Outsourced Chief Investment Officer role includes strategic asset allocation, manager selection and termination, trade implementation, reconciliation and reporting.  We have experience in managing a broad range of asset classes through all the market cycles,  as well as more complex financial instruments such as swaps and options.  Our in-house expertise extends, where the client requires, to hedge funds, private equities and portfolio hedging.

Summit Asset Management Limited is regulated by the Financial Services Commission in the low tax jurisdiction of Barbados.    Barbados offers a well-regulated, transparent and supportive environment for business with a global network of tax treaties, including with the US, Canada and the UK.

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The Summit Approach

Our investment philosophy is to provide independent advice without the conflict of interest typically found in the financial industry.

By limiting ourselves to a select group of wealthy families, individuals and institutions, we ensure exceptional personal service.

​We follow a rigorous process that starts by listening to you and gaining a deep understanding of your investment needs and objectives. We will then:

•       Construct your investment strategy based on our capital markets outlook

•       Diligently monitor and manage your portfolio, rebalancing as may be required

•       Provide regular reporting tailored to your requirements

​The process ensures we are holistic, disciplined and consistent in our approach to managing money in your best interests.

"Markets can remain illogical far longer than you or I can remain solvent."  

John Maynard Keynes

We place a particular emphasis on liquidity. Having liquidity in a crisis is essential to both protect capital and access great value opportunities as they arise.

​Risk management is an integral part of our daily investment process. Our world-class investment management software enables us to run real-time risk analysis and make nimble decisions in managing your investment portfolio.


A Message From Our

Founding President

Welcome to Summit Asset Management

Our mission is to provide our clients with trusted, tailored investment solutions. Working with some of the most affluent families in the world, our focus is on prudent wealth creation over the long term.  Our experience managing substantial client accounts in diverse markets affords us unique access to the world’s best managers at the most competitive fees.   As your partner, we share with you our deep knowledge of navigating global financial markets, ensuring you get the best return from carefully selected investments.

If you are looking for an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer we would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can add value to your portfolio.

John M. Howard,

President ACA, CFA

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Assets under
Number of arrangements
for custody & trading
with world class banks.
Years of providing
tailored investment management solutions.
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